Don’t Waste a Crisis !!

Don’t Waste a Crisis !!

Business and Strategy
An unexpected crisis in business can be unsettling. Not only does it add uncertainty to the future revenue streams, but the current crisis is causing severe disruption in every aspect of business from the supply chain to the lives of your employees. Literally no element has been left unaffected. Fortunately, most indicators are reflecting the potential for this to be a relatively short slow down, but the speed with which this hit individual businesses leaves managers and executives trying to figure out which concern to tackle first. Some items are going to have to be addressed such as updated sales forecasts, supply chains employees working location, IT changes to support new working rules etc. That list isn’t difficult as it is likely front and center in your inbox. (more…)
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Failure is a MUST !!

Failure is a MUST !!

Business and Strategy
In life or business, failure is the most valuable form of learning in life. The sting of failure is a long term reminder that drives us to future success. The act of failing helps us understand our ultimate limits as well as the limits of the team performing the work on a daily basis. Sitting in my office under my high efficiency LED lighting, the value of failure becomes increasingly clear. Thomas Edison cycle of failure in the development of the incandescent light is legendary and displays a level of persistence that is likely unable to be afforded in today’s economy. Make failure an advantage by planning small but relevant tests into the start of future projects. Small pilots for the final change. Make the affects of tests manageable with…
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